Rochefort english summary

On the morning of Thursday, 11 February 2016, on avenue Victor-Louis Bachelar in Rochefort (17), around 07:10, a school bus passed a dump truck whose left sideboard was open at a 90° angle with regard to the vertical.
Encroaching on the opposite lane at the time of crossing, the sideboard sliced the entire left side of the bus, killing six young high school students seating next to the window.

The direct cause of the accident is the overage, width-wise, of the size of the truck.

Several factors contributed to the occurrence of this accident :
- the conditions of the moment, darkness of the night, mist, and the shadowed area of the left side of the truck could have hindered the driver ;
- the absence of a warning device to alert the driver that the sideboard was in an open position before proceeding and traveling on the public road ;
- the absence of signaling of this sideboard, which was not seen by the driver of the bus until the moment of passing.

Taking these elements into consideration, BEA-TT issued two recommendations regarding :
- the improvement and securing of warning devices ;
- the enhancement of prevention using the unique risk assessment document.

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