Domène english summary

At 1.05 pm on Wednesday 18 October 2006, TER regional train 885717 running on the Grenoble-Montmélian line collided with a wide-load vehicle on level crossing no. 18, Rue de l’Industrie in Domène (38). The accident caused no casualties but damaged the material involved.

The direct cause of the accident was the presence of a wide-load vehicle manoeuvring on the right of way of the level crossing when the tracks were open for the circulation of trains in accordance with the normal system.
The company responsible for the haulage failed to respect the statutory obligations in relation to the use of level crossings by wide-load vehicles. These breaches, particularly the failure to inform the SNCF in advance, made it impossible for the latter to indicate to the haulage contractor the timeslot in which the level crossing could be used, or to ensure it a safe passage by activating the procedure for temporarily halting the circulation of trains in the area. Similarly, the forces of law and order were not informed and were therefore unable to be present during the manoeuvres.
Failures to respect these obligations are not currently regulated and the potential penalties are low.

In view of preventing such risks, the three recommendations aimed to implement a more rigorous control-sanction system for wide-load vehicles and the obligation for haulage contractors to provide evidence that they have met the duties incumbent upon them by the order requiring individual authorisation to be sought for such vehicles crossing points presenting particular danger.

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