Avenay-Val-d’Or english summary

On Monday 15 July 2019, at 9.45 am, Regional Express Train (TER) no. 839 945 coming from Épernay (51) and bound for Reims (51), collided with a light vehicle at level crossing no. 2 in the commune of Avenay-Val d’Or (51). This crossing was equipped with automatic light and sound signals with two half barriers.
The four occupants of the light vehicle, the 37-year-old driver and three children aged 10, 3 and 10 months, were killed instantly.
The collision occurred while the TER was travelling at a speed of 116 km/h.
Twenty passengers and a driver were on board the train, which did not derail. Four passengers on the TER were slightly injured.

The direct cause of the accident was the failure of the light vehicle to stop at the closed level crossing.
The presence of a toxic dose of a drug in the driver’s body most likely played a role in the occurrence of the accident by impairing her ability to drive.

In view of the contextual elements identified and the high level of seriousness generally observed for all users involved in these types of accidents between a train and a road vehicle, the BEA-TT is led to seek preventive orientations in the fields of the visibility of the closed state of a level crossing and in the driving assistance for road vehicles.

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