Orvault english summary

At 2:05 p.m. on 27 April 2010, at the "Cardo/Printemps" roundabout in Orvault (Loire-Atlantique), a tram travelling on line 2 of the Nantes conurbation system collided with a private car that had pulled out into the tramway platform despite the flashing red light.
One person was killed in the accident : the driver of the private car.

The direct cause of this accident was the private car’s failure to obey the R22j and R24 traffic lights, which were on red.

The unclear layout of the intersection and traffic lights may have contributed to the driver’s failure to notice these signals. This lack of clarity is due to the accumulation of several factors :
- Complexity of the crossroads (car/tram conflicts and a large number of entrances)
- Poor visibility of the traffic lights in the urban context
- Ambiguity or poor perception of certain signals.

The BEA-TT issued 4 recommendations to local stakeholders (operator and urban area community) and national stakeholders (DSCR and CERTU), with a view to :
- Redesigning the crossroads at which the accident occurred and completing the traffic light improvements currently underway at crossroads on intersections in the Nantes conurbation that are crossed by the tramway ;
- Continuing the national comparative assessment of stop lights at intersections crossed by a tramway, and improving users’ awareness of the R24 traffic light, especially in an urban context.

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