Livernant english summary

At 0:39 on Wednesday 20 May 2009 the articulated arm of a logging machine loaded on Euro Cargo Rail train ECR 41249 violently collided with passing train SNCF 56724 in the Livernant Tunnel in Charmant (16).
The driver of train 56724 was slightly injured in this accident. The locomotive was partially destroyed and there was quite significant damage to the wagons and loads on the two trains, as well as damage to the track and railway equipment.

The immediate cause of the accident was the uncontrolled rotation of the turret and articulated arm of the Skogsjan logging machine, thus causing it to encroach on the clearance area of the adjacent track.

Two factors are at the source of this accident :
- poor immobilisation of the moving parts of the logging machine by the sender, which was not an experienced professional, when the wagon was loaded in Germany ;
- poor implementation by DBSR (German rail company responsible for the transport) of the advice and control procedure provided for this type of shipment.

Two factors could also have contributed to the absence of detection and warning while this train was travelling under dangerous conditions :
- non-detection of immobilisation, wedging and stowing faults during technical inspections during transportation ;
- the lack of clarity of measures to be taken by drivers if the sound of an impact is detected, which meant a train travelling under dangerous conditions was not stopped before the accident.

This led BEA-TT to issue five recommendations concerning :
- DBSR’s own sensitive consignments procedure ;
- the making of technical inspections ;
- measures to be taken when train drivers hear the sound of an impact.

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