Ligugé english summary

On June 22, 2004, a coach accident occurred at Ligugé (86), France, on the RN 10 main road south of Poitiers.
A Moroccan coach and trailer were involved and resulted in 11 fatally injured, and 40 injured including 9 seriously.

The Ministry for Equipment, Transport, Urban and Rural Planning, Tourism and the Sea requested the Bureau for Accident Investigations in Land Transportation from the General Council for Bridges and Roads to launch a technical investigation on the circumstances surrounding the accident.
The report assessed the technical inquiry’s investigations into the circumstances and causes of the accident, and submitted preventive recommendations.

The observations in the report identified several causes and factors which contributed in compounding risks in this accident, particularly excessive speed in rainy weather, excess weight, major technical faults on both the coach and the trailer, and dangerous driving on the part of the driver.

The preventive recommendations focused on reinforcing road inspections, and extending specific safety obligations to foreign coaches (speed limiting devices and seat belts, training for drivers).

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